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Healthy living
Nutrients In Fermented Foods Can Be Good For Health
Fermented foods have much more value than most people realize. These types of foods are actually full of nutrients and allow for the presence of excellent probiotics that assist the body in more ways than one.
Basically, fermentation means that a food is exposed to a series of chemical reactions when exposed to bacteria. The bacteria help to transform the food source to produce vitamins and nutrients in a beneficial way. When you know which fermented foods do what, you’ll have a better chance at dietary selections that benefit one and all.
These foods can help in weight loss. It’s due to the probiotic advantage of such foods. They prevent or remedy inflammation that make it difficult to burn off the excess calories. Not only that, but optimizing the digestive system, nutrients can be more efficiently absorbed. All help in increasing the metabolism and burning excess calories stored as fat.
This goes in tandem with better digestion. Using fermented foods that repair and maintain the digestive system means the body will be extracting the right amounts and types of nutrients, producing the right bacteria that should bring about optimum efficiency in digestion and deployment of essential vitamins and minerals throughout the body.
With any dietary regimen, a healthy outlook is essential. Knowing the various food groups, how they should be selected and prepared gives one a greater advantage regarding the success of one’s health goals. If you’re body building or running track, or even engaging in a good tennis exercise regimen, your dietary choices should include some of the fermented foods available. In some cases you can prepare your own products thus saving money and having the foods prepared to your specifications.
Foods like kefir, a fermented milk product, has high levels of calcium B12, magnesium, and vitamin K2 and more. There’s Kombucha a tasty blend of sugar and black tea. It’s chock full of B vitamins, probiotics, and more. Don’t forget about good old fashioned sauerkraut! This old stand by you can make at home the traditional way. Many people will attest to its nutritional power and is a favorite the world over. Sauerkraut has Vitamins A, B, C, and K, and is a good source of calcium, sodium, iron, and copper and magnesium too. It aids in circulation and in digestion and helps remedy inflammation.
There are many more fermented foods that should be in the repertoire of everyone’s diet. Peruse around and you’ll find many a tasty favorite just waiting for you.
Image credit: Bermas66 (Wikipedia)
Posted in Health, Healthy living, Nutrients
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Relaxing your mind and restoring your Health
Studies of relaxation and holistic approaches to stress.
Recent studies conducted by the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston demonstrated a substantial decrease in medical-services usage, submissions, and health treatments necessary over a years time. Through this study, 17,400 test subjects were evaluated, and approximately 4,400 of these subjects showed great improvement in their need for medical services. Although such categorization of elements within a scientific study are broad, to some extent, they do demonstrate that upwards of 1/3 individuals later did not require ER services within that one year period. While there are many different variables to take into consideration, such as the social interactions involved with Yoga and Meditation, it’s worth noting that exercises such as these are not only useful for the mind as it releases positive dopamine and serotonin to your brain, but also because it’s a good way to overall distress and focus your mind on something more not only positive, but also productive.
Health experts say that due to the various ‘movements’ involved in yoga, as well as the concentration and practice, that individuals are more prone to begin relying on such exercises or ‘adaptors’ to help cope with stress in the future. The fluid movements involved in yoga, as well as deep-breathing exercises are likely to condition your mind to also better cope with fight or flight responses throughout your daily activities and experiencesas opposed to just impulsively, often negatively, responding to a reaction or undesired experience. Yoga and meditation are also shown to improve health as they tone the body, making you both feel better about yourself as well as look betterespecially your physique in the abdominal area, which is a common aspiration for many!
The reality and evaluating your options…
While Yoga and Meditation are not for everyone, it is gaining great popularity across the United States as a holistic approach to better managing stress, as well as traumatic experiencesaccording to Dr. James Stahl, director of the Institute for Technology Assessment at Massachusetts General. In addition to this, cardiac conditions are improved, and inflammation is commonly reduced throughout the body as individuals rely on such activity(s) for within a daily or weekly routine. Training your mind to do something different, or feel different ways is a very effective attempt and measure at improving the flexibility of your mind and how it decides or attempts to handle different kinds of stressors. In fact, it’s been reported that Yoga and Meditation have not only aided in improving physical and mental health, but specifically contributed to individuals quitting nasty and dangerous habits such as smoking and drinking. Unlike drinking and smoking, there is no ‘hangover’ or guilt later on. In fact, after a class of Yoga or Meditation you also feel rejuvenated for an extended period of time, as well as accelerate your metabolism for at least one to two daysanother common health goal for individuals looking to better manage or lose weight.
Of course while such activities are not going to practically be affordable for everyone, there are always alternatives, pointed out a researcher at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. In fact, collecting videos online and creating your own relaxation and meditation group is a perfect example of a more cost-effective approach for trying it out on your own!
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Posted in Alternative Treatment, Health, Healthy living, Weight loss
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Spinal Manipulation for Back Pain
Millions of Americans suffer from back pain with only temporary and mild relief from pain killers (which come with lots of potential side effects). These patients often struggle to even get through everyday tasks of their lives like going grocery shopping or doing household chores. There just are not too many options out there for these patients at this time. Thankfully, it appears as though some new alternatives may be on the horizon, especially if future studies can validate their impact.
Some patients report finding relief from alternative treatments including some procedural techniques such as spinal manipulation. Chiropractors and physical therapists can sometimes do certain manipulations of the spine which may help patients cope, sometimes even with longer term effects than that seen with medications. Sometimes referred to SMT (spinal manipulation therapy), it is notable that not all patients report benefit from it. There are some newer studies that suggest it may help though and for those who have suffered from back pain for a long time, any new options are often welcome.
Specifically the manipulations done by chiropractic professionals seem to help with spinal disc hydration as well as spinal stiffness. It is still unclear why the treatment only works for some and not others, but that may have to do with the etiology of the pain as well as individual natural differences within people. A much larger study is needed to really drive any strong clinical conclusions around the treatment. A large randomized trial would be the optimal study design to really measure the impact and get such procedures more recognition within traditional medicine. Future research will also look at the specifics of spinal manipulation and what procedures seem to have higher efficacy than others.
If you are interested in getting more help for your back pain, consider talking to your local chiropractor and see what they suggest. It is usually advised to also let your primary care doctor know as they may be able to work together to get you a better solution. Also the primary care doctor will know your history and can advise for or against any recommendations made by the chiropractor, giving a more holistic care solution for you. You may even find a mix of various treatments and procedures to be optimal for you as different medications and spinal manipulations may work by different mechanisms which can have a sort of synergy when used together.
Image credit: Lightwave Stock Media
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Go For a Run, It May Change Your Life
Running can be a tremendous benefit to your health in a number of ways. People who run regularly report much better health outcomes including improved physical function and better mental wellbeing. Specifically, running regularly can actually help out your knees as long as you do it responsibly (stretch, don’t overdo it, etc.) as it can help strengthen muscles and bones. It can also help you lose weight and maintain a healthy weight which is of crucial importance in order to stave off a number of chronic diseases including diabetes and cardiovascular disease, both which take the lives of many millions of people every year. Running can be a great equalizer and help reduce some of the effects of the the stressful lives we may live.
In addition to the physical benefits, running will help clear your mind and in turn, reduce stress. Can’t get that issue from work or that fight you had with a loved one off your mind? Go for a run! It may surprise you how much your attitude shifts and your thinking becomes clearer afterwards. It will likely also help with your memory and confidence in general. Several studies confirm the mental effects of running as your blood circulation improves and you really get some positive changes in your physical function. Doing it regularly enough may even lengthen your life as suggested in a large 2014 study which found that those who ran daily even for just five to ten minutes outlived those who did not run at all by an average of three years. So time is no excuse either- everyone has at least a few minutes to run (30 minutes of physical activity daily is really optimal if possible, but there are exceptions and this can matter on a lot of things).
Overall, the benefits of running are undeniable, especially when combined with a healthy diet and good sleep every night. If you have trouble running, it is perfectly okay to walk or to build up to running- what matters most is that you get physical activity rather than not. And running is certainly something you can build up to and get better at over time as long as you can get into a routine and stick with it. It may take some discipline to get started, but if you do start and stick with it for a few months, your body and mind will certainly thank you!
Image credit: maridav
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